22 abril 2006

Annual American Club Award

The American Club Award of 2006 aims to support individuals working on projets to snhance Luso-American ties. This year the American Club Award Committee has targeted seven major areas:
- Innovation and Technology for Journalism in all Media
- Innovative Technology in the Arts
- Biotechnology
- Biological Therapeutics
- Innovation in Dispute Resolution Methods
- Innovation in Telecommunications
- Ubiquitous Computing

Competion foi this award, in the amount of 3,300 USD, is open to Portuguese citizens between the age of 20-35.

The award is to be used for travel expenses within the US for a 3 week visit, and also includes round trip tickets between Portugal and the US.

- ONE page proposal with a specific description of the project, accompanied by a ONE page CV, both in English by e-mail with the word "Award" in the subjet line.

- Applications must be accepted only until noon on May 2nd, 2006

- Interviews will be conducted in English during the third week in May. Applicants must be fluent in spoken and written English.

All aplicants will be contacted by May 15th.

For further information please contact:
The American Club of Lisbon
Tel: 213 529 308
Mail: americanclub@mail.telepac.pt